Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well today we started prep for the Sandwhich caper.. we have like 900 sandwhichs or something like that so its going to be a pretty big weekend.
Yesterday Doug and myself were talking about the youth in the corps and how many of us are going to grow and have so much Spritual Potential. I agree and we where talking about me and after high school going to the War College. Now i know thats a long ways away and i still have a couple years to think about it, but comment and tell me what u think.


Denise said...

I don't think you need my comment to know what I think ;)

Alberta Rockstar said...

I think its great, and its cool that your open to it and not a punk about it, way to be cool and be cool with options like that! 5 points for u dude!

Nick said...

I'm so flippin proud of the man you're growing into. I'm glad we're connecting these days.

Seeker of The Light said...

Go, man. Go!

Debbie said...

Amen and Amen to that!