Friday, June 23, 2006


Well today i leave to go work at camp for the summer... im gunna miss so may people here... and i am going to pray for all of you and that you all have a great summer....danoel (Denise and Joel) i hope u have a good summer and i hope u keep in contact when u go back to the war college!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


well i only hafve a few days left here in bangor till i move down to camp for then summer. Today My self and some of the people from the core are going to watch some movies and have some pizza then go to the burrs house for some ice cream....

Saturday, June 10, 2006


WOOT! Today is my birthday and i am just chillin with family till like 6 then i am going down to the church for a party i am 15 and the first thing i did this morning is i prayed like crazy for this year to be good and for me to have a good first summer working at camp..I also prayed for Joel and Denise for them to have a nice safe summer and that i can come to know u better!
its like 10:30 at night and i just got an IM from jerrica asking me to prey for here here is what she said
ACBsgal17: hey sean FoOtBaLlPlAyAr55: hey ACBsgal17: can u pray for me plz FoOtBaLlPlAyAr55: ya y ACBsgal17: i need to get straight with god and things in my life it's been hard these last couple of months.
So please anyone out there who reads here is another chance for a teen to get save so please pray with me and help her get through her tough times..

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well today was interesting i had my last full day of school WOOT WOOT!!! and then i had cell tonight i think it is the best cell i have gone to... I felt the wholy spirt so much it was amazeing!! i could here him speaking to me threw the Bible and threw the Songs we where singing!! i mean i havent had some much fun talking to people about god then i did tonight!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Well today was pretty cool i went down to the corps around 9 and hung out and played basket ball for like 3 hours then doug showed up and we played halo for awhile then we had to go help but the Chapel back togather because we just got new carpeting down...Then everyone left and me and Doug stayed behind and played Halo for like antoher Hour then we went out to eat and had a good time....thanks doug your always there when i need someone to talk 2..