Saturday, June 03, 2006


Well today was pretty cool i went down to the corps around 9 and hung out and played basket ball for like 3 hours then doug showed up and we played halo for awhile then we had to go help but the Chapel back togather because we just got new carpeting down...Then everyone left and me and Doug stayed behind and played Halo for like antoher Hour then we went out to eat and had a good time....thanks doug your always there when i need someone to talk 2..


Gideon son of Joash said...

Hey what about me? I was always there...when I wasn't working...You can always talk to me still while I'm in Charlotte. Just call me up and tell me to call you back and give me your number. I got free longdistance here bro.

Seeker of The Light said...

Anytime. You're well worth it to me, Sean!